On This Day in Sri Lanka

January 18

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This is 18th of January. It is day 18 of the year. As of today, there are 347 days left until the end of the year. If you are curious about the historical footprint of Sri Lanka, let us delve into more On This Day events to uncover fascinating tidbits from the nation's history that covers for 365 days.

Today’s Highlight

  • 1824 – James Campbell’s acting service as Governor of British Ceylon ended, and Edward Barnes began his duty.
  • 1855 – George William Anderson’s service as Governor of British Ceylon ended, and Charles Justin MacCarthy (acting) took over.
  • 1876 – The Italian steamer “Genoa” was wrecked outside Galle harbour.
  • 1895 – The Governor laid the foundation for the Lady Havelock Hospital for Women and Children, which later became known as Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children.
  • 2009 – Shelling and bombardment of the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi suburbs killed more than 18 people.

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January 18

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