This is Old to New NIC converter for Sri Lanka’s NIC numbers. Vice versa it can convert from new to old number. The following converter can do the convert process. Enter the NIC number in the below box and click “Convert” button. If you like to use NIC to DOB convertor, try this NIC Convertor.

Old to New NIC Converter (New to Old Converter)

Old vs New NIC number?

The Sri Lankan National Identity Card (NIC) is a identification document. The NIC number, a unique identifier, has evolved over time. Originally consisting of 9 numeric digits and a letter, it has now transformed into a 12-digit numeric code.

The old NIC comprised 9 numeric digits and an alphabet, while the new number has 12 digits. For instance, consider the old NIC (e.g., 810509871V). The initial two digits (’81’) decode birth year, followed by three digits (‘050’) indicating birth date and gender. The final letter (‘V’ or ‘X’) signifies voter eligibility. Similarly, the new NIC (e.g., 198105009871) features the first four digits representing the birth year, followed by three digits indicating birth date and gender.