On This Day in Sri Lanka

October 11

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This is 11th of October. It is day 284 of the year. As of today, there are 81 days left until the end of the year. If you are curious about the historical footprint of Sri Lanka, let us delve into more On This Day events to uncover fascinating tidbits from the nation's history that covers for 365 days.

Today’s Highlight

  • 1653 – Jacob van Kittensteyn finished his term as governor of Dutch Ceylon, and Adriaan van der Meyden took over.
  • 1980 – General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University officially opened on October 11, 1980, as the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy.
  • 1987 – The ceasefire that started on July 29, 1987, ended, marking the start of Indian military intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War.
  • 1987 – Operation Pawan began, a two-week military operation by the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) against the LTTE in the Jaffna Peninsula.
  • 1999 – Sri Lanka established diplomatic relations with Uzbekistan.
  • 2005 – TV Derana, a private entertainment television channel in Sri Lanka, was launched.

International observance

  • International Day of the Girl Child
  • International Newspaper Carrier Day

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October 11

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