Made in Sri Lanka batches

1 reviews

Get your free set of ‘Made in Sri Lanka’ vector batches/stickers! Featuring the Sri Lankan national flag and map in maroon, gray, and white colors, this SVG file adds a patriotic touch to your products.

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‘Made in Sri Lanka’ is a vector batches/stickers. It features the Sri Lankan national flag and map in maroon, gray, and white colors. This SVG file adds a patriotic touch to your products in social media and product packing. This collection features four images and designed to showcase the pride of Sri Lanka.

It is perfect for labeling products or packaging with a touch of national identity. You can download now and effortlessly incorporate these badges into your designs, websites, or marketing materials. Let your customers know that your products are proudly made in Sri Lanka with this visually appealing and patriotic graphic set. Grab your free ‘Made in Sri Lanka’ vector batches/stickers today and showcase your national pride with style.


This set of Made in Sri Lanka badges is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). This license allows you to use, share, and adapt the badges for both personal and commercial purposes. You are free to remix, transform, and build upon the badges, as long as you provide appropriate credit and adhere to the same license terms. Share your creations proudly while contributing to a global community of creative sharing and collaboration.

1 review for Made in Sri Lanka batches
  • Roshy March 29, 2024

    First batch is elegant.

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